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Concours d’Elégance Belgrade 2013 – entrants regulations
ART. 1
Degorsi company and Serbian Federation for Historical Vehicles (SFHV) a FIVA member, organizes the Concours d’Elégance Belgrade 2013 - the International Concours d’Elégance for historic cars in Belgrade, Serbia.
ART. 2
The event is by invitation for a maximum of 30 cars of any type or marque, superb cars in FIVA A-G categories"
ART. 3
Cars will be selected by a Technical Committee of respectable experts in automobile history and design, on the basis of their historic, technical and aesthetic interest, their rarity and authenticity, as well as the elegance and sophistication of their styling.
ART. 4
Cars admitted to the Concours must be in perfect running order during the two days of the event and provided with valid insurance and with the necessary documentation as required by traffic law.
ART. 5
Cars will be inspected by the Jury during Saturday. On Saturday entrants must be present alongside their car during the Jury’s inspection to indicate any particular details.
ART. 6
The Jury’s decisions are final and thus no appeal or objections may be presented after publication of the official results.
ART. 7
Along with the degree of originality, the state of preservation and/or the quality of the restoration work, the Jury will pay specific attention to the following aspects: elegance and general sophistication of the styling, harmony of the color schemes, elegance of the upholstery and fittings, elegance and conformity of the accessories, mechanical efficiency and conformity of the engine bay. Convertible cars may be exhibited with their hoods lowered. However the Jury may ask to see the car with the hood correctly raised and fastened.
ART. 8
During the presentation, entrants may provide the Jury with any relevant documentation regarding their car and its history which they believe to be useful in reaching an appropriate evaluation. In case of unique or unusual features, adequate documentation confirming – among other things - the period when any variation to the standard model was carried out, should be provided.
ART. 9
Awards will be given for Best restauration, Best preservation and the Best of show 2012.
ART. 10
Entrants to the Concours d’Elégance must contact the Technical Committee, submitting the essential technical characteristics of the car (make, model, build year, engine capacity, car maker), its history, if any, plus some photos of the car, to the following email address: